


著 中山大将

定価 (本体3,500円 + 税)

ISBN978-4-87791-296-3 C3031 389頁



「秩序再編の地域連関」国際セミナー/Special Seminar about an Asian Order

「秩序再編の地域連関」国際セミナー開催のお知らせ/Special Seminar about an Asian Order

オーストラリア国立大学よりMichael Wesley氏をお招きし、21世紀アジアの秩序を考える国際セミナーを開催しました。

オーストラリア国立大学教授・アジア太平洋学群長(オーストラリア外交論、アジア国際関係・戦略論)。著書に、There Goes the Neighbourhood: Australia and the Rise of Asia (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2011; winner of the John Button Prize for the best writing on Australian politics and public policy) 、編著に、Global Allies: Comparing US Alliances in the 21st Century (Canberra : ANU Press, 2017) など。

日時/ Date and Time:2017年11月28日(火) 16:00~18:00
November 28 (Tuesday), 16:00-18:00
場所/ Venue:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階中会議室
middle-Conference Room (3rd. Floor), Inamori Center, Kyoto University
(アクセスマップ/ Map: https://www.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access/ https://www.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/

報告題目/Title:“A Multipolar Asia: Implications for Australia and Japan”
報告者/Speaker:Dr. Michael Wesley(Australian National University)
コメント/Comments:Dr. Tomohiko Satake (National Institute for Defense Studies)
司会/moderator:Dr. Jiro Okamoto (Shimonoseki City University)
The Trump Presidency has brought to an end America’s post-Cold War Grand Strategy of preventing the rise of other great powers in Asia. Under the 45th President, US alliances have moved from being system-supporting frameworks towards bilateral and tactical mechanisms; regional institutions have ceased to be seen as mechanisms for socializing rising powers; and the US has repudiated the ideals of liberal internationalism. Regional countries are already reacting to this major shift in US strategy. This lecture will examine the outlines of Asia’s emerging multipolar order, particularly focusing on its aspects promoting stability and instability. It will examine the role of Australia and Japan, as the two regional countries most committed to the status quo, in potentially helping to shape the future regional order.

「秩序再編の地域連関」国際セミナー/Special Seminar about Global Order

「秩序再編の地域連関」国際セミナー開催のお知らせ/Special Seminar about Global Order

ヴァージニア大学よりMichael Joseph Smith氏をお招きし、21世紀世界の秩序を考える国際セミナーを開催しました。

Michael Smith マイケル・J・スミス
米国ヴァージニア大学教授(国際関係論、政治思想)。著書に、Realist Thought from Weber to Kissinger (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1987). 邦訳、『現実主義の国際政治思想――M・ウェーバーからH・キッシンジャーまで』(垣内出版、1997年)、共編著に、Ideas and Ideals: Essays on Politics in Honor of Stanley Hoffmann (Boulder: Westview Press, 1993) など。その他、現代の国際政治に内在する倫理的ディレンマに関する論文多数。

日時/ Date and Time:2017年11月27日(月) 16:00~18:00
November 27 (Monday), 16:00-18:00
場所/ Venue:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階大会議室
Large-Conference Room (3rd. Floor), Inamori Center, Kyoto University
(アクセスマップ/ Map: https://www.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access/

報告題目/Title:“Competing Visions of the Global Order”
報告者/Speaker:Dr. Michael Joseph Smith(University of Virginia)
コメント/Comments:Professor Hiroshi Nakanishi (Kyoto University)
司会/moderator:Dr. Yoshihiko Nakamoto (Shizuoka University)
For as long as scholars and historians have considered the issue, the problem of how to envision, and then how best to pursue, global order has inspired lively debate and seemingly incompatible approaches. For example in the debate at Athens just before the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War, the representatives of Corinth, aggrieved by the actions of their erstwhile colony Corcyra, urge the Athenians to pursue a vision of order based on adherence to treaties, custom, and a principle of fairness: “The power that deals fairly with its equals finds a truer security than the one which is hurried into snatching some apparent but dangerous advantage.” In contrast, the Corcyreans urged Athens to set aside their concerns about violating a treaty and focus on their specific interests and military power. By accepting Corcyra as an ally and adding its navy, “whether you feel apprehensive [about the breach of treaty] or not, you will certainly have become stronger” and thus better equipped to fight a war the Corcyreans portrayed as inevitable.
Now, nearly thirty years since the end of the Cold War, similar debates are underway not only about the character the contemporary global order but also about what policies can best work to maintain or establish a durable world order. Has the liberal world order, widely cited by Western scholars, come to an end as a result of economic stress, the rise of neo-nationalist movements, and the emergence of a new, apparently more unilateralist, American administration? If so, what new order seems to be emerging? An author of a recent book on global order has written that “When facing the future, while liberals remain in denial, realists return to the past…The world today is a far cry from the nineteenth-century multipolar era; it is even more distant from the self-styled and limited geopolitics of the Greek city states.” ※
In this lecture, I will seek to survey and critique some of the competing ideas about the contemporary global order and suggest that the ideas of liberals and realists still deserve our attention, even if many of their prescriptions for policy seem dated. The concept of global order itself requires us to examine many of the assumptions we make about power and nation-states as well as the role of the human aspiration to create a world where human rights can eventually come to tame deadly conflict.
※ Amitav Acharya, “After Liberal Hegemony: the Advent of a Multiplex World Order,” Ethics and International Affairs, Vol. 30, Number 3 (Fall 2017), 283.



日時: 2017年11月2日(木) 14:00~19:00
場所: 京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階中会議室)
    (アクセスマップ http://www.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access/

14:00~15:00 Inscripción/受付
15:00~15:10 Inauguración/開会の辞 Yusuke Murakami/ 村上勇介

15:10~15:45 “La crisis de la democracia mexicana”
Alberto Aziz Nassif (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social-CIESAS, Sede Distrito Federal)
15:45~16:10 Preguntas y respuestas; discusión/質疑応答・討論

16:10~16:20 Pausa/休憩

16:20~16:55 “México: desafíos del estancamiento (estabilizador) económico y social”
Enrique Valencia Lomeli (Universidad de Guadalajara)
16:55~17:20 Preguntas y respuestas; discusión/質疑応答・討論

17:20~17:30 Pausa/休憩

17:30~18:05 “El papel de la inversión japonesa en la economía mexicana”
Melba Falck Reyes (Universidad de Guadalajara)
18:05~18:30 Preguntas y respuestas; discusión/質疑応答・討論

18:30~18:50 Discusión general/総合討論

18:50~19:00 Clausura/閉会の辞

○主催:京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 環太平洋研究ハブ形成プロジェクト、CIRASセンター複合共同研究「秩序再編の地域連関」、個別共同研究ユニット「体制転換過程の比較研究」/「環太平洋地域における秩序再編動態の研究」

Latin America, Africa and Asia linkages in a Globalized Humanosphere: A Writing Workshop

Latin America, Africa and Asia linkages in a Globalized Humanosphere:A Writing Workshop

Organized by Kyoto University’s Center for Southeast Asia and Integrated Area Studies and Freiburg University’s Chair of Silviculture
Mathislehütte, Mathisleweiher Weg 4, 79856 Hinterzarten, Germany, February 20-24, 2017


Benno Pokorny
Prof Dr. Benno Pokorny is since 2003 a staff of the Forestry Institute of the University of Freiburg, where he coordinates research projects related to the potential of smallholder forestry in Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. He supervises Ph.D. students and teaching courses at undergraduate and graduate level related to forestry in general, forest governance and forestry and rural development. Previous to his employment at Freiburg University, he was from 2001-2003 a CIM expert in a research cooperation between CIFOR and EMBRAPA, located in Belem, Brazil, coordinating research projects on adaptive collaborative management. Criteria and indicators, community forestry and reduced impact logging. From 1997-2000 he was a DAAD lecturer Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias do Pará in Belém, and during 1995-1997 a scientific collaborator of the EU project ‘Development and harmonization of monitoring systems for forest resources management in Europe’.

Wil de Jong
Wil de Jong studied tropical forestry at Wageningen Agricultural University and Research Center, Netherlands. He moved to Peru in 1982 to explore the role of tropical forests in people’s lives and societies. He was engaged with the New York Botanical Garden’s Institute of Economic Botany between 1985 and 1995. In 1992 he relocated to Indonesia, where he lived for 12 years, ten of which working at the Center for International Forestry Research. In 2004 he moved to Japan and now works at Kyoto University. His research has focused on Bolivia, Indonesia, Peru and Vietnam, but also on multi country comparative studies. In recent years, the focus is on tropical forest governance, illegal logging, smallholder and community forestry and forest transition. His over 140 peer reviewed publications list includes multiple peer reviewed journal articles, edited special issues of academic journals and monographs and edited book volumes.

Mari Momii
Dr Mari Momii is an independent environmental policy analyst and a part-time lecturer at Atomi University in Japan. From 2008, as a representative of Deepgreen Consulting, she has done research for and given policy advice to many international environmental groups and institutions including the Royal Institute for International Affairs of the UK (Chatham House), Forest Trends, Global Witness and Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). She authored two reports on illegal logging and related trade by Chatham House in 2014. Mari also provides consultancy for the private sector and leads the Japan Paper Association (JPA)’s committee to develop a timber due diligence manual for the JPA.

Ning Li
Dr. Ning Li is currently Associate Professor of Business Management, College of Economics and Management, Nanjing Forestry University, P. R. China. Until 2014 she was a researcher at the University of Helsinki. Her work focuses especially on corporate strategic management, corporate sustainability and ecological economics, and she studies how global forest industry companies address biodiversity and ecosystem services in supply chain management. This work addresses internationally operating companies in general, but if focuses especially on Chinese and Finnish companies that have commercial engagements with each other.

Carlos Cornejo
Carlos Cornejo is from Peru and a specialist in natural resources and environmental economics, planning and policies, project design for sustainable development and biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources through developing appropriate technologies, especially for non-timber forest products and wildlife management. Cornejo graduated from the Faculty of Forest Sciences, National Agrarian University, La Molina, Peru and completed his Masters in Agricultural Economics. He also completed post graduate studies in business management at the National Major University of San Marcos, Peru. Carnjeo has about thirty years of experience in research and development activities in the Peruvian Amazon, and in private business management.

Marieke van der Zon
Marieke van der Zon is a Ph.D. researcher affiliated with the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group at Wageningen University and Research Center, supported by Tropenbos International and Kyoto University. Her research focuses on the relationship between the regularization of tenure rights in forest communities and forest conservation in the Peruvian Amazon. Marieke holds Master’s Degrees in Public Administration, from Leiden University, and Environmental Management, from the University of Amsterdam. As part of her studies, she conducted fieldwork in the Philippines to investigate difficulties in the registration of ancestral lands for indigenous communities. Later she worked with the World Bank as a Junior Professional Associate, supervising the compliance of rural energy and conservation projects with social and environmental safeguards regulations in the Asia-Pacific region. She also conducted project and research work for NGOs aimed at improving the socio-economic position of the rural poor in Mali, Cameroon and Peru. In 2010 Marieke moved to Peru, where she worked with APRODE on the development and coordination of projects and research on environment related issues, such as environmental education, reforestation, waste management, and improved cook stoves, mostly in the dry forest of Piura. From 2013 to 2016 she worked as regional manager for Bolivia, Argentina and Peru and operational manager with Microjustice4All, an NGO that promotes legal empowerment of the poor.

Tina Bauer
Tina Bauer is currently a Ph.D. researcher affiliated with the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group at Wageningen University and Research Center. She was during 2014-2016 a Junior Advisor Forestry & Biodiversity at GIZ stationed at the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where she was the community forestry focal point. 2013 and 2014 she was tutoring the MSc course in Tropical Forestry at the Technical University Dresden. She also worked at Tropenbos International on FLEGT related issues and legality and sustainability of community forestry in in Cameroon.

Adriana Ballón
Adriana Ballón is a PhD candidate at the Chair of Silviculture at the Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg (Germany). She holds a MA in Environment and Sustainable Development from the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands) and a BA in Law from the Catholic University San Pablo (Bolivia). Her main research interest lie in the fields of Environmental Politics and Policy; Environmental Discourse Analysis; Politics, and Social and Environmental Conflicts of Extractive Activities in Andean Region; Sustainable Development and Vivir Bien (Good Living); Forest and Agricultural Policy. Her PhD Project called “Putting environmental discourses into policies: The case study of Bolivia” (2013-ongoing), is carried out under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Benno Pokorny, Chair of Silviculture Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg (Germany), and Dr. Lorenzo Pellegrini, International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands). Previous to her PhD project, Adriana worked as a research assistant for a Project of the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands) about the nationalization of extractive industries, particularly related to conflict and co-operation in Bolivia and Ecuador. She also worked as a research assistant at the Human Development Report of the United Nations Development Program (Bolivia).

Locardia Shayamunda
Locardia Shayamunda is a PhD candidate at the Chair of Silviculture at the Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg (Germany). She holds a MA in Development Studies from the Free State University, Bloemfontein, Republic of South Africa and a BSc (Hon) in Sociology Gender and Development Studies from the Women’s University in Africa (WUA). Her main research interest is in the fields of Socio-ecological systems, Rural Development, Sustainable Development; Ecosystem services and rural livelihoods. Her PhD Project has a title: Small Farmer’s strategies in dealing with crisis: an analysis of rural socio-ecological systems to political crisis in Zimbabwe. This is done under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Benno Porkony, Chair of Silviculture Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg (Germany) and Prof. Dr. Heribert Weiland of Arnold-Bergstraesser Institut. Before her PhD project, Locardia worked as Consultant for The Action for Better Governance Programme (ABG II) for Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) Feb – April 2015. May – December 2014. Acting Regional Representative of Misereor Southern Africa Consultancy Service in Harare, Zimbabwe. 2005 – 2014 Regional Project Advisor for Misereor. 1999 – 2005 Financial Administrator/HIV and AIDS Project Advisor. 1990 – 1999 Lecturer at YMCA Nhamburiko Vocational Training College and Speciss College in Harare. 1993 – 1999 Head of Commercial/Computer Department/Deputy Principal at YMCA. Part-time Lecturer at Domboshawa Theological College.

Mayte Benicio Ryzek
Mayte Benicio Rizek is a PhD candidate at the Public Policies, Strategies and Development Program at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Currently she is a guest PhD candidate at the Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg (Germany). Her thesis is divided in three articles: (i) From control to support: A comparative analysis of how Brazil addressed policies toward community forestry; (ii) Rural settlements at Brazilian Amazon: what is this and what is happening on the ground?; and (iii) Turning words into deeds: Analyzing forest interventions and their effects on rural settlements of Acre and Mato Grosso, Brazil. She holds a MA in Environmental Science at University of São Paulo (Brazil) and a BA in Geography at the São Paulo State University (Brazil). Between 2005-2011 she evaluated socioeconomic effects of the non-timber forest product’s commercialization among companies and communities in the Brazilian Amazon. During 2012-2016 she worked as a researcher consultant for Forest Stewardship Council – FSC Brazil. In 2014 and 2016 she worked as fieldwork supervisor in the Global Comparative Study on REDD+ of the Center for International Forestry Research – CIFOR in Acre and Mato Grosso (Brazil). Since 2013 she is social audit of FSC forest management of the IMAFLORA / Rainforest Alliance.


Economía y política de América Latina en la segunda mitad de la década de 2010: coyuntura actual y perspectivas para el futuro
Economy and Politics of Latin America in the Second Half of the 2010s: Actual Situation and Perspectives for the Future

 経済においては、2000年代に南米諸国を中心に一次産品ブームを経験し、経済成長と所得分配の改善に進展があったが、近年その発展に停滞が生じている。これは国際経済環境の外生的要因だけで説明しうるものなのか、あるいはラテンアメリカに固有の問題の影響を受けているのか。また近年アジア諸国における賃金上昇を受けて、生産拠点としてメキシコ・中米への関心が高まっているが、Global Supply Chainの中で低付加価値タスクへの特化にとどまるのか、あるいは生産性上昇へのきっかけをつかむことができるのか。総じて、ラテンアメリカが経済発展停滞を乗り越える課題について議論したい。

プログラム/ Programa/ Program

開催期日/ Fechas/ Date
2016年1月8日(日)・9日(月)/ 8 y 9 de enero de 2016/ January 8 and 9, 2016

開催場所/ Lugar del evento/ Venue
京都大学稲盛財団記念館中会議室/ Middle-sized Conference Room (3r. piso/ 3rd. floor), Inarmori Center, Kyoto University
 mapa de acceso/ access map:http://www.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/

1月8日(日)/ 8 de enero (domingo)/ January 8 (Sunday)

13:00 Inscripción/ Inscription

13:30-13:40 Inauguración/ Opening Sessin

13:40-14:40 Discurso magistral/ Keynote speech
“Quo Vadis, Latin American Economies?”
João Carlos Ferraz (Instituto de Economia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
14:20-14:40 Discusión/ Discussion

14:40-15:00 Pausa/ Break

15:00-17:10 Sesión Económica/ Economic Session
“Peripherality, Inequality and Economic Development in Latin American countries”
Nobuaki Hamaguchi and Yoshimichi Murakami (Kobe University)
15:25-15:30 Questions
“China’s Agro Engagement with the LAC”
Guo Jie (Peking University)
15:55-16:00 Questions
“China-LAC infrastructural Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges”
Wang Ping (Nankai University)
16:25-16:30 Questions
16:30-16:50 Comments
Tatsuya Shimizu, Institute of Developing Economies-JETRO
João Carlos Ferraz
16:50-17:10 Discussion

17:30-19:30 Recepción/ Reception

1月9日(月)/ 9 de enero (lunes)/ January 9 (Monday)

09:00-10:00 Discurso magistral/ Keynote speech
“The Travail of Latin American Democracy in the 21st Century”
Marcelo José Cavarozzi (Universidad Nacional de San Martín)
09:40-10:00 Discusión/ Discussion

10:00-10:20 Pausa/ Break

10:20-12:40 “Reconsidering Democratic Representation and Accountability in Latin America”
“From Limited Government to Democratic Accountability: Social Accountability Revisited”(abstract)

Enrique Peruzzotti (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella) 
10:45-10:50 Questions
“Leveling the Playing Field? A Qualitative Analysis of Presidential Actions Curtailing Media Freedom in Latin America” (abstract)
Marisa Kellam (Waseda University)
11:15-11:20 Questions
“Poverty, Clientelism, and Democratic Accountability in Mexico”(abstract)
Yuriko Takahashi (Waseda University)
11:45-11:50 Questions
11:50-12:10 Comments
Ken Miichi (Iwate Prefectural University)
Hirokazu Kikuchi (Institute of Developing Economies-JETRO)
12:10-12:40 Discussion

12:40-14:00 Almuerzo/ Lunch

14:00-15:30 Coyuntura política actual 1/ Present Political Situation 1
“La doble crisis mexicana”
Alberto Aziz Nassif (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social)
14:25-14:30 Preguntas/ Questions
(Debido a una enfermedad inesperada, el Doctor Aziz no puede viajar al Japón, y no habrá su presentación. Esta sesión empieza a las 14:30.
/Because of sickness, Doctor Aziz will not be able to come to Japan. This session begins at 14:30.
“The Perfect Storm: Presidential Impeachment and the Rule of Law in Brazil”
Marcus Andre de Melo (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)
14:55-15:00 Preguntas/ Questions
15:00-15:10 Comentarios/ Comments
      Yusuke Murakami (Kyoto University)
15:10-15:30 Discusión/ Discussion

15:30-15:50 Pausa/ Break
15:50-17:20 Coyuntura política actual 2/ Present Political Situation 2
“How Strong Is Evo Morales?: The Patterns of Political Support in Bolivia”
Isamu Okada (Nagoya University)
16:15-16:20 Preguntas/ Questions
“La política peruana de la década de 2010: proceso electoral de 2016 y perspectivas para el futuro”
Yusuke Murakami (Kyoto University)
16:45-16:50 Preguntas/ Questions
16:50-17:00 Comentarios/ Comments
Takashi Tanaka (Chubu University)
17:00-17:20 Discusión/ Discussion

17:20-17:30 Clausura/ Closing Session



開催日時:2015年3月7日土曜日 13:30-17:00(開場13:00)
開催場所:京都市左京区下阿達町46 京都大学稲盛財団記念館中会議室(3階)

プログラム/ Programa

13:30-13:35 開会/ Inauguracion

13:35-14:15 報告1/ Ponencia 1
“”Etnicidad y violencia en el Peru” (titulo tentativo)  Jaime Urrutia (Instituto de Estudios Peruanos)
14:15-14:35 討論/ Discusion

14:35-14:50 休憩/ Pausa

14:50-15:30 報告2/ Ponencia 2
“Genocidio en los Andes: el silencio de los vivos y el grito de los muertos” Artemio Sanchez (Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Social)
15:30-15:50 討論/ Discusion

15:50-16:05 休憩/ Pausa

16:05-16:45 報告3/ Ponencia 3
“Gobiernos locales en el contexto de la descentralizacion” (titulo tentativo) Moises Palomino (Instituto de Estudios Peruanos)
16:45-17:05 討論/ Discusion

17:05-17:10 閉会/ Clausura



アジア大洋州ラテンアメリカ研究協議会 (Consejo de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Asia y Oceania-CELAO) は、アジア太平洋地域のラテンアメリカ研究者の交流促進を目的として、2003年に結成された研究交流機構である。これまでに5回の国際大会が開催されている。2014年は日本の京都大学で開催した。






開催日時:2014年9月12日(金) 12:30~19:30






  • NPOグルーポ・インズィンガ・カポエィラWS実行委員会
  • 京都大学地域研究統合情報センター(CIAS)
  • 地域研究コンソーシアム(JCAS) 「地域研究次世代ワークショップ・プログラム」
  • 京都大学学際融合教育推進センター(分野横断プラットフォーム構築企画)
  • JCAS社会連携「女性地域研究者のライフ・キャリアネットワークプロジェクト」
  • NPO平和環境もやいネット ほか






  • ホザンジェラ・アラウージョ(バイーア連邦大学教育学部准教授)
  • パウラ・バヘット(バイーア連邦大学社会学部准教授)
  • 宇野邦一(立教大学現代心理学部名誉教授)
  • 輪島裕介(大阪大学大学院文学研究科准教授)
  • ウスビ・サコ(京都精華大学人文学部長教授)
  • 福田宏(京都大学地域研究統合情報センター助教)
パフォーマンス(Roda de abertura)



9月16~18日に京都大学にて開催予定のアジア大洋州ラテンアメリカ研究協議会 (Consejo de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Asia y Oceania、CELAO) の第6回大会にむけて、若手研究者の発表準備の機会を提供する。

開催場所:京都大学地域研究統合情報センター 稲盛財団記念館2階セミナー室(213)



「フランシスコ・デ・メンドサとLibellus de medicinalibus indorum herbisをめぐる歴史的考察」(発表言語:日本語)




「Effectiveness of the Participatory Institution in Brazil: Impact of the Agency on Institutional Change of the National Conference」(発表言語:英語)


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