Event Information


  • アジア環太平洋研究セミナー「カスティジョ政権の4ヶ月とペルー情勢」




    日時: 12月11日(土) 10:00-12:00


    報告: 村上勇介(京都大学)

    コメント/討論:  中沢知史(立命館大学嘱託講師)



    送付する際に、アドレスの [at] はアットマークに代えてください。後日、Zoomへの招待を送付します。




    主催:京都大学アジア環太平洋研究ユニット/基盤研究「低成長期中南米の政党システム変動の比較分析(課題番号 21H04392)

  • アジア環太平洋研究セミナー「独立200年/2021年ペルー選挙─分析と今後のみとおし─」(Zoom開催)






    日時: 6月12日(土) 10:00-12:00




    参加を希望される方は、下記連絡先までメールで参加の申し込みをしてください。送付する際に、アドレスの [at] はアットマークに代えてください。後日、Zoomへの招待を送付します。



    主催:京都大学アジア環太平洋研究ユニット、基盤研究(A) 低成長期中南米の政党システム変動の比較分析(課題番号 21H04392 研究代表者 村上勇介)

  • ベネズエラに関する国際ワークショップのお知らせ

    日時:2019年11月22日(金) 16:00~19:00
    報告者:Hector Briceño/ベネズエラ中央大学開発研究所(CENDES)教授・研究員(専門:ベネズエラ・ラテンアメリカ政治、選挙制度、民主主義)
    Thais Maingón/ベネズエラ中央大学開発研究所(CENDES)元教授・研究員(専門:ベネズエラ・ラテンアメリカ政治、民主主義)

    ※ 本ワークショップは、京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所共同研究「低成長期の発展途上諸国における亀裂と不安定化の政治経済学」ならびに京都大学教育研究ユニット「アジア環太平洋研究ユニット」との共同企画です。

  • CIRAS ユーラシア・セミナーのご案内


    CIRAS ユーラシア・セミナー
    日時:2018年10月15日(月) 16 :00-18 :00
    講演: バフティヨル・イスラモフ 「ポスト・カリモフ時代のウズベキスタンの外交政策」
         Bakhtiyor ISLAMOV “Post-Karimov Foreign Policy in Uzbekistan”
    使用言語: 英語
    This presentation includes the topics of: 1) Breakthrough in bilateral relations of Uzbekistan with neighboring states (Qazaqstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan); 2) New steps in regional cooperation (political, economic, and environmental aspects, including Aral Sea Disaster); 3) Activization of Relations of Uzbekistan with North East Asian States (Russia, China, Japan, Republic of Korea); 4) Prospects for the New Silk Road Initiative.



  • アジア太平洋研究プロジェクト・セミナー
    日時: 2018年9月28日(金) 15:00-17:30
    場所: 稲盛財団記念館 小会議室2
    1. Sandre Thangavel (The University of Adelaide, Australia) Regionalism and New Challenges in Southeast Asia: Implications for ASEAN
    2. Melba Flack Reyes (University of Guadalajara, Mexico) Mexico Implications of Trump’s Protectionist Trade Policy on Asia-Pacific
    3. Carlos Uscanga (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico) Mexico and Japan vis-a-vis Trump Administration: A Perspective from foreign economic policy
    コンタクト: 村上勇介(Yusuke Murakami, CSEAS)、三重野文晴(Fumiharu Mieno, CSEAS)
    共催: アセアン研究プラットフォーム (Co-recognized by ASEAN Research Platform)


  • Seminar “Cross-regional Comparative Studies and Informatics in Asia Pacific Era”

    This seminar pretends to seek a new direction or dimension of the fusion of cross-regional comparative studies and informatics in Asia Pacific Era. Hara will talk about his initiative in developing informatics techniques to share Area Studies information resources and the possible model-making of global and social changing dynamics based on data-bases developed by such techniques. Wil, Pozsgai and Murakami will take up three topics from each point of view as concrete themes for the new horizon of research of Asia Pacific cross-regional comparative studies.

    Date and time: March 18, 2018, 10:30- 15:20
    Venue: Room 213 (Seminar Room), Inamori Center

    10:30-10:35 Opening Remarks

    10:35-11:05 “(About informatics techniques for sharing information resources and modeling of global and social changing dynamics)”
    Shoichiro Hara (Kyoto University)

    11:05-11:35 “(About the peatlands in Southeast Asia and Latin America)
    Wil de Jong (Kyoto University)

    11:35-11:50 Questions and Answers

    11:50-13:30 Lunch Break

    13:30-14:00 “The Quest for a Unified Theory of Corruption”
    Joseph Pozsgai (University of Tsukuba)

    14:00-14:30 “Social Conflicts in Latin America: Peruvian case”
    Yusuke Murakami (Kyoto University)

    14:30-14:45 Questions and Answers

    14:45-15:15 General Discussion

    15:15-15:20 Concluding Remarks

  • Forest Ecosystem Services across the Pacific Rim: Comparing Tropical Asian and Tropical American perspectives, approaches and operationalization

    Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Peruana
    Date: January 7-9 2017
    Venue: Hotel Royal Inka in Cusco
    Plaza Regocijo No 299. Cusco, Peru.


    January 7: 18.00 –
    ■ Meeting of workshop participants in hotel lobby Making acquaintance
    All participants

    January 8: 9.00 –
    ■ Introduction to the workshop Ecosystem services: critical reflections on the concept Its genealogy How it has change the debate Critical questions that the workshop will address
    Wil de Jong(CSEAS)

    ■ Organizing under an ecosystem services umbrela IPBES initiative general introduction and its implementation in South América Opportunities of IPBES for a country like Bolivia
    Diego Pacheco(Government of Bolivia)

    ■ Plenary discussion on previous two presentations Discussion points to be developed during session 1 & 2
    All participants

    Lunch break

    ■ Ecosystem services in Asia Ecosystem services in discourses, policies and practices in Asia
    Yeo-Chang Youn

    ■ Ecosystem services in China The use of the ecosystem services in China How is the concept being using in discourses, policies and practice
    Jinlong Liu

    ■ Plenary discussion on previous two presentations Discussion points to be developed during session 1 & 2
    All participants

    January 9: 9:00 –
    ■ Ecosystem services in the Peruvian Amazon Their relevance, valuation, research needs and opportunities for policies and practices
    Dennis del Castillo

    ■ Ecosystem services in natural resource development cooperation
    Tina Bauer

    ■ Developing ecosystem services business opportunities
    Carlos Cornejo

    ■ Plenary discussion on previous two presentations Discussion points to be developed during session 1 & 2
    All participants

    ■ Peru’s national legislation, policy plans related to ecosystem services and their implementation
    Jeroen Ex

    ■ Ecosystem services in protected areas: The case of the Manuripi protected área
    Walter Cano

    ■ Plenary discussion on previous two presentations Discussion points to be developed during session 1 & 2
    All participants

  • 「秩序再編の地域連関」国際セミナー開催のお知らせ/Special Seminar about an Asian Order

    オーストラリア国立大学よりMichael Wesley氏をお招きし、21世紀アジアの秩序を考える国際セミナーを開催しました。

    オーストラリア国立大学教授・アジア太平洋学群長(オーストラリア外交論、アジア国際関係・戦略論)。著書に、There Goes the Neighbourhood: Australia and the Rise of Asia (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2011; winner of the John Button Prize for the best writing on Australian politics and public policy) 、編著に、Global Allies: Comparing US Alliances in the 21st Century (Canberra : ANU Press, 2017) など。

    日時/ Date and Time:2017年11月28日(火) 16:00~18:00
    November 28 (Tuesday), 16:00-18:00
    場所/ Venue:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階中会議室
    middle-Conference Room (3rd. Floor), Inamori Center, Kyoto University
    (アクセスマップ/ Map: https://www.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access/ https://www.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/

    報告題目/Title:“A Multipolar Asia: Implications for Australia and Japan”
    報告者/Speaker:Dr. Michael Wesley(Australian National University)
    コメント/Comments:Dr. Tomohiko Satake (National Institute for Defense Studies)
    司会/moderator:Dr. Jiro Okamoto (Shimonoseki City University)
    The Trump Presidency has brought to an end America’s post-Cold War Grand Strategy of preventing the rise of other great powers in Asia. Under the 45th President, US alliances have moved from being system-supporting frameworks towards bilateral and tactical mechanisms; regional institutions have ceased to be seen as mechanisms for socializing rising powers; and the US has repudiated the ideals of liberal internationalism. Regional countries are already reacting to this major shift in US strategy. This lecture will examine the outlines of Asia’s emerging multipolar order, particularly focusing on its aspects promoting stability and instability. It will examine the role of Australia and Japan, as the two regional countries most committed to the status quo, in potentially helping to shape the future regional order.

  • 「秩序再編の地域連関」国際セミナー開催のお知らせ/Special Seminar about Global Order

    ヴァージニア大学よりMichael Joseph Smith氏をお招きし、21世紀世界の秩序を考える国際セミナーを開催しました。

    Michael Smith マイケル・J・スミス
    米国ヴァージニア大学教授(国際関係論、政治思想)。著書に、Realist Thought from Weber to Kissinger (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1987). 邦訳、『現実主義の国際政治思想――M・ウェーバーからH・キッシンジャーまで』(垣内出版、1997年)、共編著に、Ideas and Ideals: Essays on Politics in Honor of Stanley Hoffmann (Boulder: Westview Press, 1993) など。その他、現代の国際政治に内在する倫理的ディレンマに関する論文多数。

    日時/ Date and Time:2017年11月27日(月) 16:00~18:00
    November 27 (Monday), 16:00-18:00
    場所/ Venue:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階大会議室
    Large-Conference Room (3rd. Floor), Inamori Center, Kyoto University
    (アクセスマップ/ Map: https://www.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access/

    報告題目/Title:“Competing Visions of the Global Order”
    報告者/Speaker:Dr. Michael Joseph Smith(University of Virginia)
    コメント/Comments:Professor Hiroshi Nakanishi (Kyoto University)
    司会/moderator:Dr. Yoshihiko Nakamoto (Shizuoka University)
    For as long as scholars and historians have considered the issue, the problem of how to envision, and then how best to pursue, global order has inspired lively debate and seemingly incompatible approaches. For example in the debate at Athens just before the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War, the representatives of Corinth, aggrieved by the actions of their erstwhile colony Corcyra, urge the Athenians to pursue a vision of order based on adherence to treaties, custom, and a principle of fairness: “The power that deals fairly with its equals finds a truer security than the one which is hurried into snatching some apparent but dangerous advantage.” In contrast, the Corcyreans urged Athens to set aside their concerns about violating a treaty and focus on their specific interests and military power. By accepting Corcyra as an ally and adding its navy, “whether you feel apprehensive [about the breach of treaty] or not, you will certainly have become stronger” and thus better equipped to fight a war the Corcyreans portrayed as inevitable.
    Now, nearly thirty years since the end of the Cold War, similar debates are underway not only about the character the contemporary global order but also about what policies can best work to maintain or establish a durable world order. Has the liberal world order, widely cited by Western scholars, come to an end as a result of economic stress, the rise of neo-nationalist movements, and the emergence of a new, apparently more unilateralist, American administration? If so, what new order seems to be emerging? An author of a recent book on global order has written that “When facing the future, while liberals remain in denial, realists return to the past…The world today is a far cry from the nineteenth-century multipolar era; it is even more distant from the self-styled and limited geopolitics of the Greek city states.” ※
    In this lecture, I will seek to survey and critique some of the competing ideas about the contemporary global order and suggest that the ideas of liberals and realists still deserve our attention, even if many of their prescriptions for policy seem dated. The concept of global order itself requires us to examine many of the assumptions we make about power and nation-states as well as the role of the human aspiration to create a world where human rights can eventually come to tame deadly conflict.
    ※ Amitav Acharya, “After Liberal Hegemony: the Advent of a Multiplex World Order,” Ethics and International Affairs, Vol. 30, Number 3 (Fall 2017), 283.


  • トランプ政権の登場で直接的かつ最大の影響を受けているラテンアメリカの国といえるメキシコの現状について、同国の専門家を招いて、政治、経済・社会、日本との関係の現状についてのセミナーを開催しました。
    日時: 2017年11月2日(木) 14:00~19:00
    場所: 京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階中会議室)
        (アクセスマップ http://www.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access/

    14:00~15:00 Inscripción/受付
    15:00~15:10 Inauguración/開会の辞 Yusuke Murakami/ 村上勇介

    15:10~15:45 “La crisis de la democracia mexicana”
    Alberto Aziz Nassif (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social-CIESAS, Sede Distrito Federal)
    15:45~16:10 Preguntas y respuestas; discusión/質疑応答・討論

    16:10~16:20 Pausa/休憩

    16:20~16:55 “México: desafíos del estancamiento (estabilizador) económico y social”
    Enrique Valencia Lomeli (Universidad de Guadalajara)
    16:55~17:20 Preguntas y respuestas; discusión/質疑応答・討論

    17:20~17:30 Pausa/休憩

    17:30~18:05 “El papel de la inversión japonesa en la economía mexicana”
    Melba Falck Reyes (Universidad de Guadalajara)
    18:05~18:30 Preguntas y respuestas; discusión/質疑応答・討論

    18:30~18:50 Discusión general/総合討論

    18:50~19:00 Clausura/閉会の辞

    ○主催:京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 環太平洋研究ハブ形成プロジェクト、CIRASセンター複合共同研究「秩序再編の地域連関」、個別共同研究ユニット「体制転換過程の比較研究」/「環太平洋地域における秩序再編動態の研究」

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