Event Information

Seminar “Cross-regional Comparative Studies and Informatics in Asia Pacific Era”


Seminar “Cross-regional Comparative Studies and Informatics in Asia Pacific Era”

This seminar pretends to seek a new direction or dimension of the fusion of cross-regional comparative studies and informatics in Asia Pacific Era. Hara will talk about his initiative in developing informatics techniques to share Area Studies information resources and the possible model-making of global and social changing dynamics based on data-bases developed by such techniques. Wil, Pozsgai and Murakami will take up three topics from each point of view as concrete themes for the new horizon of research of Asia Pacific cross-regional comparative studies.

Date and time: March 18, 2018, 10:30- 15:20
Venue: Room 213 (Seminar Room), Inamori Center

10:30-10:35 Opening Remarks

10:35-11:05 “(About informatics techniques for sharing information resources and modeling of global and social changing dynamics)”
Shoichiro Hara (Kyoto University)

11:05-11:35 “(About the peatlands in Southeast Asia and Latin America)
Wil de Jong (Kyoto University)

11:35-11:50 Questions and Answers

11:50-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-14:00 “The Quest for a Unified Theory of Corruption”
Joseph Pozsgai (University of Tsukuba)

14:00-14:30 “Social Conflicts in Latin America: Peruvian case”
Yusuke Murakami (Kyoto University)

14:30-14:45 Questions and Answers

14:45-15:15 General Discussion

15:15-15:20 Concluding Remarks

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